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You can transform healthcare for the poor in India Fund


Through your generosity, you can work in the remote District of Malkangiri, Odisha. Here, Dr. Sunali treats women and children who suffer in extreme poverty. Living in remote jungles these people have no access to medical treatment, yet living in the tropics and often times drinking unsafe water they are subject to a variety of diseases; malaria, typhoid, cholera and others. Along with her husband Remo, Dr. Sunali also works to help them work their way out of poverty through adult literacy, microenterprise training and loans, and the development of community engagement through seminars and self-help groups. Dr. Sunali is giving the poor and marginalized a hand-up rather than a handout. By providing pre-natal and early childhood care Dr. Sunalini and her team have been able to begin medical treatment to a number of new groups and in many new villages which were previously unserved. Please join you coworkers as together we provide medical care to those suffering in poverty in the jungle areas of Odisha, India.
You can transform healthcare for the poor in India  Fund

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