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JD Martz Spinal Cord Injury Fund


In August 2017, the course of JD Martz’s life changed forever. As he dove into a wave at Manhattan Beach in California, he injured his C3 and C4 vertebrae, leaving him paralyzed from the shoulders down. After spending one month fighting for his life in the Intensive Care Unit, JD defied the odds by regaining the ability to breathe without a ventilator and to speak on his own again. Subsequently, the 29-year-old left his successful career behind in California and moved into his parent’s home in Beverly, MA to recover. With a tireless approach and positive attitude, he has taken on an extensive rehab regimen to begin his quest toward recovery. Now living in Danvers, MA with his Rockstar, part-time caregiver wife Caitriona, the two work to live the best life they can with the burden of high costs for necessary medical equipment (medications, chair, vehicle, lift, etc), PCAs, and more. With the support of family, friends, and some amazing institutions like Journey Forward and Spaulding Rehab, JD is working towards recovery to keep his body and mind healthy for years to come.
JD Martz Spinal Cord Injury Fund

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