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Hopes and dreams for continuing our world - with land, water, and civil liberties Fund


When you're feeling reactive or angry in the currents that threaten our planet, people, and hope, find the space for grounding ourselves for the long-term battle with love and creativity in our pursuits. Join me again and again in supporting each other and this group of inspiring long standing nonprofits.

Your Donation Supports

Environmental Working Group

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), founded in 1993, fills a niche in the environmental community by focusing its unique strategy on toxics, agriculture and western lands issues. Our effective advocacy efforts are bolstered by extensive web databases and a 500,000-person email list, which have become major forces in online information distribution. EWG is a national organization with headquarters in Washington, DC, and offices in Oakland, CA and Ames, Iowa.

Cair Foundation Inc

CAIR's mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality.

NAACP Empowerment Programs, Inc.

The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc.

I write ACLU's number on my arm before every protest. Protect our civil liberties!

Founded in 1920, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a nonprofit, multi-issue, 500,000+ member public interest organization devoted to protecting the basic civil liberties of all people in the United States. Recognized as the nation's premier public interest law firm, the ACLU works daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. The ACLU Foundation is the 501 (c)(3) arm of the organization.

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

The Natural Resources Defense Council's purpose is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends.

We work to restore the integrity of the elements that sustain life -- air, land and water -- and to defend endangered natural places.

We seek to establish sustainability and good stewardship of the Earth as central ethical imperatives of human society. NRDC affirms the integral place of human beings in the environment.

We strive to protect nature in ways that advance the long-term welfare of present and future generations.

We work to foster the fundamental right of all people to have a voice in decisions that affect their environment. We seek to break down the pattern of disproportionate environmental burdens borne by people of color and others who face social or economic inequities. Ultimately, NRDC strives to help create a new way of life for humankind, one that can be sustained indefinitely without fouling or depleting the resources that support all life on Earth.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

Protect my right to my body and choice for whatever life may throw my way.

Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. We believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of our organization are essential to our well-being. We believe that reproductive self-determination must be voluntary and preserve the individual's right to privacy. We further believe that such self-determination will contribute to an enhancement of the quality of life, strong family relationships, and population stability.
Based on these beliefs, and reflecting the diverse communities within which we operate, the mission of Planned Parenthood is:
to provide comprehensive reproductive and complementary health care services in settings which preserve and protect the essential privacy and rights of each individual; to advocate public policies which guarantee these rights and ensure access to such services; to provide educational programs which enhance understanding of individual and societal implications of human sexuality; to promote research and the advancement of technology in reproductive health care and encourage understanding of their inherent bioethical, behavioral, and social implications.

The Trevor Project

All our kids deserve love. We must fiercely protect the kids who cannot protect themselves from societal forces that tell them they should not live.

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization focused on crisis and suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. Every day, The Trevor Project saves young lives through its free and confidential Lifeline, in-school workshops, educational materials, online resources and advocacy. Governed by a 30-person Board of Directors, The Trevor Project has an operating budget of more than $3 million, a full time staff of 24 and nearly 500 dedicated volunteers.

National Immigration Law Center

Established in 1979, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is one of the leading organizations in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants.

At NILC, we believe that all people who live in the U.S. regardless of their race, gender, immigration and/or economic status should have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Over the years, we've been at the forefront of many of the country's greatest challenges when it comes to immigration issues, and play a major leadership role in addressing the real-life impact of polices that affect the ability of low-income immigrants to prosper and thrive.

Audre Lorde Project Inc

The Audre Lorde Project is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Trans and Gender Non Conforming People of Color center for community organizing, focusing on the New York City area. Through mobilization, education and capacity-building, we work for community wellness and progressive social and economic justice. Committed to struggling across differences, we seek to responsibly reflect, represent and serve our various communities.

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA)

CHIRLA’s mission is to achieve a just society fully inclusive of immigrants. CHIRLA organizes and serves individuals, institutions and coalitions to build power, transform public opinion, and change policies to achieve full human, civil and labor rights.

Hopes and dreams for continuing our world - with land, water, and civil liberties Fund

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