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A/NZ VMware 'Swear Jar' Fund

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$3,259.11 raised of $3,000.00 goal

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Find yourself in zoom meetings all day watching co-workers talk whilst on mute or asking “can you see my screen?”. To help get through the endless series of virtual meetings, the SLT have started a virtual 'swear jar' for Zoom offence (swear). Fine people a fixed, small amount of money for every time they commit a zoom offense (swear), with donations going to the Swear Jar. All donations are automatically distributed quarterly to non-profit initiatives that focus on community-based mental health stress-reduction. More non-profit initiatives will be added to the donation page over time. Best of all, contributions over US$3.14 (approx. $4.50 AUD) are eligible for 100% matching, and can be anonymous. Save up your offences to ensure you are eligible for 100% matching. Choosing to donate is optional. ** You must be logged into your Brightfunds account to donate. How to Play: Fines are on the spot. To ensure you receive 100% matching, save up your offences before donating. Fine Amount: as much or as little as you like Zoom Offence (swear): • Talking whilst on mute • Can you hear me? • Being asked to go on mute • Can you see my screen? • Two people talking at the same time • Showing a wrong slide • Internet drops out

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A/NZ VMware 'Swear Jar' Fund

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